Weekly Market Update


It's time to celebrate the arrival of fresh Berlotti beans! These delightful legumes are currently in season. Berlotti beans, also known as cranberry beans, are recognized for their beautiful red-speckled appearance and creamy texture. As the season is in full swing, now is the perfect time to enjoy the natural sweetness and nutty flavor of these nutritious beans.


Lemons are currently in full supply, ensuring a bountiful stock of these tangy and versatile citrus fruits. The abundant supply means you can enjoy the tartness and fragrance of lemons without any scarcity concerns.


Watermelon is experiencing a shortage due to cold weather conditions. As watermelons thrive in warm climates, the colder weather poses challenges to their growth and availability. The refreshing sweetness and juicy texture of watermelons make them a popular summer treat. However, during the colder months, their supply may be limited.


Beetroot is currently in large supply, and the best part is that it comes at an affordable price. These vibrant and nutrient-rich root vegetables are a favorite among health-conscious individuals and culinary enthusiasts alike. The ample supply of beetroot ensures that you can enjoy their numerous benefits without straining your wallet.


Weekly Market Update