Weekly Market Update


The supply of strawberries is on the upswing. As the season progresses, the availability of strawberries is improving, ensuring a plentiful supply in the market. This improved supply also brings the advantage of more affordable prices, making it the perfect time to stock up on these delicious berries.


There is currently a good supply of cauliflower available. The ample supply ensures that you can experiment and incorporate cauliflower into your meals without worrying about scarcity. It’s a great eating vegetable during these winter months.


Nearing the end of their season, these luscious and juicy fruits have provided us with moments of sweet indulgence. Australian grapes are known for their vibrant colors, crisp textures, and burst of flavor, making them a favorite snack and a versatile ingredient in various recipes. However, as the season comes to a close, it's time to savor the last of these delectable grapes before they take a temporary leave from our markets.


Cabbages are currently in full supply, ensuring an abundance of this versatile and nutritious vegetable. With their dense, leafy heads and crisp texture, cabbages offer a wide range of culinary possibilities. The affordable prices also make it an opportune time to stock up and explore the many ways to enjoy this healthy vegetable.


Weekly Market Update


Weekly Market Update