Weekly Market Update


New Zealand kiwis are currently in large supply, and the best part is that they come at a budget-friendly price. Known for their distinctive flavor, vibrant green flesh, and luscious texture, kiwis are a delightful fruit that packs a nutritional punch. With New Zealand's abundant supply, you can enjoy these flavorful gems without breaking the bank.


Zucchinis are currently in full supply from Queensland, and the best part is, they come at an affordable price. With the abundant supply from Queensland, you can enjoy the goodness of zucchinis without worrying about breaking the bank.


Queensland is currently boasting a fantastic supply of red capsicum. With the abundant supply from Queensland, you can now enjoy the goodness of these peppers without any scarcity concerns. Queensland's red capsicums are not only plentiful but also provide excellent value for their quality.


During these winter months, the supply of tropical fruits are low. Pineapples are typically associated with warm, sunny climates. Unfortunately, the colder temperatures and unfavorable growing conditions in winter can impact pineapple production. As a result, the availability of pineapples may be limited during this time.


Weekly Market Update


Weekly Market Update